written by
Noah Fleming

87 Days until 2021 - Are You Ready?

4 min read

About three weeks ago, it suddenly got freezing cold.

That was the primary reason I decided it was time to put the Land Rover away and get some new wheels.

Within the September cold spell, I called my pool company to see if I could schedule my pool closing. So did everyone else on the planet. Our pool won't be closed for another two weeks or so. But this past Saturday was beautiful. We cranked up the new pool heater, and the kids swam all day long. For some parts of the world, swimming in October is common. In Ontario, Canada, we consider that a treat.

It's hard to believe we're just shy of 90 days away from 2021. Actually, we're 87 days away as of this morning.

Since the early days of the pandemic, I've been urging you to take proactive steps to stay in touch with your clients, build momentum, and prepare for what comes next.

On March 10, I said it's essential to Always Double Down in a Downturn, and I provided specific steps for your Executive team to take. Did they do it?

On March 12, I introduced a coaching version of my Pick-3 Program, and on the 18th, I gave the Pick-3 Workbook away for free, for those who wanted to do it on their own.  Did you take advantage of it?

On March 24, I asked all Presidents/Owners/CEOs to make at least five calls with precise instructions.

I know quite a few who did it and reported back. But what about you?

On March 31, we revisited core values and ensured we were providing those core values to our clients.

On May 4, as the pandemic picked up steam, we started to ask the tough questions like which customers we would fight for, no matter what.

Shortly after that, we discussed why waiting for the recovery would be a huge mistake. At this point, many companies had found their footing and began to realize this time could be used to fine-tune their existing processes, create new ones, level up, train new people, etc.

In mid-May, we looked back on the first eight weeks of the pandemic to ask ourselves how our respective companies had gotten better, what we learned, and where we still needed to go.

That shifted to taking proactive efforts to continue to generate new sales and new opportunities in June.

In July & August, we reflected on the better businesses we had become as a result of our work during the pandemic.

Lastly, over the past month, we're started to honestly look at what the post-pandemic business world might look like and what steps you might need to take to get ready.

And that brings us to today.

Here we are with less than 90 days to go until 2021.

Have you done enough?

I'm willing to help you, or you can do it on your own.

But if you haven't already answered the questions and completed many of the challenges shared over the past seven months, then you might need some help.

Your Challenge For This Week: Review the Tidbits from over the past few months, starting with the link at the top of Today's Tidbit. Each one has practical, pragmatic action steps. Start doing them now. It's still not too late.

Better yet, ask yourself why you haven't been doing them.

You've got less than 90 days. So here are some suggestions.

(Re) - Create Your Strategy

Now is the time to start working on your strategy for early 2021 and beyond.

You might consider building a new strategy, using a unique, innovative approach instead of traditional strategic planning. If this year has taught us anything, it's that moving forward, your strategy needs to be easily adaptable to uncertain times. No more week-long strategic planing meetings with a plan in a binder that nobody ever looks at again.

Review what you've learned.

Map out everything you learned about your business, selling, and serving customers over the past six months.

What will you keep, get rid of or improve in 2021?

Take the time to write these down. Review it your team.

What works?

What doesn't?

What will you continue?

Get The Help You Need

Each week the Tidbits provide actionable, practical exercises, challenges, techniques, and things you can do to level up your business. If you haven't been doing them, now is the time to get the help you need.

If you want help building out your 90-day Plan, reach out, and let's discuss. I try to give you everything you need each week to do it on your own, but if you haven't been making the type of progress you would like, let me share how I work with my best clients.

Schedule a call here or just respond to this Tidbit.

Otherwise, get moving, you've got some work to do! Get moving!